When God Makes a Promise

Faithfulness is tough for many of us. It means keeping the promises we make and saying what we mean and meaning what we say. God’s faithfulness is a perfect standard. “God is not a man that He should lie nor a son of man that He should change His mind. Does He speak and not act? Does He promise and not fulfill?” (Numbers 23:19). Watch and listen as Abram first discovers this wonderful lesson in faithfulness. He’s blessed when God makes a promise.

About this Message

In Genesis 15, an extraordinary contract is sealed. Its three themes focus on provision, progeny, and land acquisition. The impact of this five thousand-year-old agreement significantly affects the Middle East even today.

Take the time to fully understand how normal contracts were “signed” in those days. Also, clarify the differences between a unilateral agreement and a binary agreement.

Abram’s biography is not one of perfect obedience. Genesis 12 and 20 show that he was a liar and prone to fear. What is it about Abram that makes him worthy of these God-pledges? Why would God do such a thing?

Go Deeper Questions

In Joshua 23:14 a stunning declaration is made before the Israelite nation.  List some of God’s promises Joshua referenced. Considering a later contract, how does the coming of Christ, His submission to the cross, and glorious resurrection fit as a unilateral agreement? Take some time to think carefully about this.

What about your own salvation? In God’s promises to you, as He forgave and adopted you, what did you bring to the bargain? For a few moments meditate on the One who has made the promise to you and itemize the many pieces of this contract and how you benefit.