Uzzah and His BFF - God

He dies with surprise and shock on his face, and the celebratory parade of thousands comes to a halt. Uzzah forgot who God is. The priests and Levites disregarded God’s clear direction. King David has patronized his Lord. And the entire nation needs to be reminded that God is not their puppet. He is Holy.

About this Message

Read the traumatic events of this day with all its celebration and tragedy in I Chronicles 13.

Now see the reason for Uzzah’s demise in 2 Samuel 6:7. Then choose one of the following judgment events and compare it to Uzzah’s experience with God:

  • Nadab and Abihu – Leviticus 10 – Beginning of tabernacle worship
  • Achan – Joshua 7 – Moving into God’s Promised Land
  • Ananias and Sapphira – Acts 5 – Beginning of the Church

What principles do you see?

Go Deeper Questions

Talk about stopping dead in his tracks! How do you suppose Uzzah got to the point that he thought it was okay to give God the helping hand He needed?

From the story, how do you respond to the accusation that God is not “fair”?

There’s a subtle progression from asking God to demanding from God to disregarding God and launching off on our own. When was the last time you had a much better plan than God’s and tried to take control of circumstances? How did that work out?

From this story, what did you learn about God and about you?