Two Piles of Rocks – Worship and Judgement

“Hey, Dad, what are those piles of rocks over there?”  This was the obvious question from the Hebrew children as they first settled in the Promised Land. Initially, the dad could speak of joy, but then he’d have to shelter his child’s soul from the graphic violence represented by the second pile.  Listen and hear about two real events and the God behind them.

About this Message

Joshua 3 is one of the highest highlights of the Israelites’ exodus trip.  They’ve spent many years on this wilderness hike, and, finally, they get to cross the Jordan River into “the Promised Land.”  Read this chapter and dream of being there and experiencing the crowd’s joy.

Of course there will be a “memory cue” to help the Israelites to remember what God has done.  Read chapter 4 to see what they did and why.

Two piles of rocks represented something God wanted the Israelites to remember.  

Look at these references and find His specific memory message.

  • Genesis 31:46-52
  • 2 Kings 19:20-28

Go Deeper Questions

Are you surprised the Israelites shifted so quickly from joy and thankfulness to disobedience and falling under judgement?  The fact is, apart from God’s protection, you and I are closer to Achan and his sin than Christ’s righteousness.  What is your response to this reality?

In your spiritual journey, are there “monuments” to a deep work of God?

As you think back, what is a joyful monument, and what is one that stands for His forgiveness and mercy?  This last one can also be used by the Accuser as a source of shame, so be careful to remember that you are in God’s family.  If you’re not sure you’re part of God’s family, email me, and I’ll show you how to take that step.