The Only Source of Courage

Remember the monster under the bed as a kid? Remember the cold sweat before giving your speech in front of the class? Remember standing on the edge of the high diving board for six days before jumping? We feel afraid – a lot. What do you suppose is the biblical answer to fear? Want to hear how God trained His leaders to battle their fear? Take the next twelve minutes to hear about The Only Source of Courage.

About this Message

This teaching covers large sections of Scripture and includes the men and women God “sets up” to trust Him, usually when circumstances look bleak. Joshua faces external obstacles in a river at flood stage and seven fierce nations that enjoy living in their homes. He also knows the thousands of whiners he is to lead into the Promised Land.  

God regularly disrupts our stable lives to grow us. Why do you suppose He makes us desperate at times? Consider a couple of the desperate people who came to Jesus. Were they sick, possessed, full of shame?

If you are a believer watching this, then understand that comfort and safety are overrated, that God is still the manager of the universe and is committed to you. If you have yet to be embraced by God and welcomed into His forever family, then you are on your own. Please, run to Him while you can.

Go Deeper Questions

Jesus told us to be in the world but not of it (John 15:19). Paul implies the same thing (Romans 12:2). Even the apostle John warns us (I John 2:15). We are asked to be different from others around us – not weird, but not the same either. “Different” often provokes judgments, unfortunately. Jesus mentioned we should not be surprised by attacks against us. When was a time you knew that God asked you “to stand” for Him.

Aren’t you glad that Scripture records Jesus’ followers’ real fear—disciples deserting Jesus in the Garden or denying Him three times—only to tell of their restoration? He really can grow us in courage. What fears are you facing now? What resources does He have available to strengthen you?