The Grip

Remember when you passed that difficult exam – the anxious doubts that turned to grateful smiles? This story is a faith event, a test for Peter and also a lesson for the 11 apostles in the boat. Let’s climb into the small craft and watch as Jesus, again, reaches out to rescue with The Grip.

Read Matthew 14:22-33.

About this Message

Beyond his wet clothes, how did Peter “fail”?

But how did he also “pass the test”?

Did anyone call Peter by his new nickname “water walker”? If you were a reporter from the Capernaum Clarion, what questions would you ask Peter? What quotes might Peter give?

Go Deeper Questions

Pretend you are reading Peter’s next newsletter, which explains the water-walking event. What does he say?

Assume you have a choice to make but don’t know which path to take, and the stakes are high. Take a look at these decision-making examples:

  • Gideon asks for proof with sheepskins and dew – Judges 6:36-40
  • Thomas requires physically touching the crucifixion wounds – John 20:24-28

When did you last find yourself “sinking” in the storm?

What did God’s “grip” of rescue look like?