The Breaking of a King - Nebuchadnezzar

Did you ever play “King of the Mountain” as a kid? Who was the “biggest and baddest” at the top of the dirt pile? The scene in today’s passage is just such a fight. It’s a story of the world’s most powerful man meeting the God of power. As you watch this video, listen for the arrogance, and see the mercy.

About this Message

Daniel 4:24-37 is a highlight of the Old Testament, displaying a power struggle that isn’t really much of a fight. Read Isaiah 40:17, 23-24 to clarify the foundational principle Nebuchadnezzar needed to learn.

Daniel’s courage to confront is also a piece of this episode. Look at two other classic confrontations from Scripture to see if you can find their “ingredients for success.”

Moses to Pharaoh – Exodus 5

Nathan to David – II Samuel 12

Daniel 4 contains one of the most dramatic worship passages in the Old Testament. Carefully trace the path Nebuchadnezzar walked and the numerous ways God worked in order for these “majesty verses” to eventually flow from the heart of Babylon’s king. 

Go Deeper Questions

How has King Nebuchadnezzar changed? 

Why would God do this to the king of Babylon? 

Why isn’t more said about him in Daniel?

What did it take for Daniel to confront the king? Have you ever had to tell your boss some really bad news? If not, think of a person who has power in your sphere of influence and consider a confrontation, initiated by you, that might cost you. How will you handle the fear?