The Sin Spiral of Cain

Have you ever studied a biblical bad guy? Are you ready to find good fruit in the way God interacts with a “bad apple”? Let the first family become tragically real to you, their hopes and their deep grief. Step into Genesis 4 and observe Cain.

About this Message

Read Genesis 4:1-17 and track Cain’s behavior and God’s response. Where do you see patterns?

Here are other clear teachings against the cardinal sin of self-sufficiency. How might these specifically apply to Cain?

Isaiah 50:10-11

Jeremiah 2:13-14

Go Deeper Questions

How might Cain’s life have changed if he had truly repented? 

There are a few ways to respond to conviction.

  • Lash out at the messenger
  • Listen to the accusation but dismiss it and do nothing
  • Disregard the truth and get busy doing something good
  • Repentance “light” – the quick “I’m sorry” just to restore the relationship

Are any of these familiar to you? What are other responses?

When was the last time you felt the “shoulder tap” of the Holy Spirit’s ministry of conviction? How close to the response patterns of Cain were you? Take a moment to ask God for a more tender heart, to be free to walk with Him in obedience, honoring Him with your choices.