Rahab – a Mercy Trophy

Here’s a Bible character we don’t talk about much.  She’s a prostitute living in a Canaanite city.  Shameful, right? Someone to be shunned? Not exactly on the Christmas list of any of the city fathers. But she and her immediate family are the only residents not slaughtered by the Israeli army. She is brought close to God’s people where she learns more about this rescuing Deity. And she even shows up in the lineage of our Savior.  See how God rescues our lady, Rahab, a mercy trophy.

About this Message

Moving into the Promised Land for the wilderness-weary Israelites is a dramatic adventure.  The first, geographic, speed bump is the walled city of Jericho. Questions arise as the people wonder how the God Who carried them for 40 years will help them to conquer seven nations who call this Promised Land their home. Jericho is the first test. Read Joshua 2 and learn the battle plan.

Joshua 6 embeds us in the battle ranks as a city is destroyed and a Canaanite sinner is surprisingly rescued. Enjoy this “you are there” description.  Can you hear the screams?  Smell the smoke? What stands out to you from what you “see”?

Go Deeper Questions

There were good people living in that city. Consider that each of them is dead, while Rahab is rescued. Any thoughts about God’s selection process?

A classic definition of mercy is “not getting what you deserve.”  

Where have you seen mercy in your own life? Be specific.

What does Rahab’s salvation mean to you?  

If she walked into your church next Sunday and sat down next to you, where would your heart go?  What’s so surprising to you about God’s mercy plan?