Loyalty and Courage

When faced with the same enemy forces, why does one leader hide under a tree, surrounded in safety, far from the front lines, while another launches himself into a fight against overwhelming odds? Want to see the living link between faith and courage? Want to watch how two are more powerful that one? Want to see a depiction of faithfulness and loyalty? Here it is.

About this Message

When we step into I Samuel 14, the Philistines and Israelites have disliked each other for years. This story shares just the latest skirmish, but Jonathan and his armor bearer preach to us about courage and the God of hope. Read I Samuel 14: 1-14.

Jonathan had a faithful comrade, and God used them to win a fight. Can you think of other partnerships in Scripture that God used? What was His purpose? Here are a couple of examples to examine:

  • Ruth and Naomi – Ruth 1:1-17
  • Nathan and David – II Samuel 12

Go Deeper Questions

A drill sergeant might use this passage to loudly promote the “bootstrap” ethic of man’s power based on man-made courage. But by disregarding God, that message dangerously teaches self-sufficiency. Where else in Scripture can you find examples of God-authored courage? Enjoy these:

  • Esther 1
  • Joshua 1
  • Peter and John – Acts 4

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 shares many benefits of committed friendship.  List your discoveries and jot down some relevant relationship applications. 

Whom has God used in your life to encourage, rebuke or challenge you? Take a moment to thank God for them and then make an effort to say thanks to them.