Jezebel – One Wicked Woman

Have you read about Jezebel?  She was reared in a home where the idol Baal was worshipped. She brought her demonized religion to Israel when she became the wife of King Ahab. Because of Jezebel, God’s prophets were murdered and His people were led into idolatry. Learn about Jezebel, one wicked woman.

About this Message

Take a few minutes to read these brief episodes in Jezebel’s life:

  • I Kings 16:29-33; 18:4 and 13; 21:1-17; 2 Kings 9:30-37

Paul makes it clear in Ephesians 6:12 that our fight is not really against people but against the demonic, “against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”  Where do you see spiritual darkness coming from Jezebel?

Which event disturbs you the most and why?

  • Killing the prophets
  • Conspiracy and death of Naboth

Go Deeper Questions

The arrogance of the wicked deceives them into thinking they are invincible. For a great example of this, look at King Herod in  Acts 12:19-23

Why do power and of pride usually go together? God can change that. Read Daniel 4 and see the authority and arrogance of King Nebuchadnezzar and how he is brought to a point of humility and worship.

A grounding illustration:

You are invited to meet and talk with someone who is powerful and popular. What are two things you really want him/her to know about what you’ve accomplished or who you are? How much have you allowed these two things to determine your identity?

What does 2 Corinthians 5:17 say about you? And Who is responsible for that change?