General Naaman - Healed and Converted

Powerful men usually have resources to solve most crises. As commander of all the armies of Syria, General Naaman would have access to infinite means to solve the problems he encountered. But the sovereign God laughs at self-sufficiency and hands our general a problem he can’t solve and Naaman deep-dives into desperation. Watch how a merciful Father draws this man to the point of salvation and, oh by the way, healing.

About this Message

II Kings 5 is a unique Bible passage because the main character, besides God, is not from Israel and doesn’t even live in Israel. In His mercy even to the man persecuting of God’s chosen people, the sovereign God has a redemptive plan for General Naaman, which shows us the road to salvation for Israel was always eventually meant to include people from every tongue, tribe, and nation … you and me.

 After reading II Kings 5, review these other examples of God’s compassion for the nations. 

I Kings 17:9-16 the woman up in Zarephath

John 4:4-26 the woman at the well in Sychar

Finally, read Revelation 5:9-10. Do you suppose we will meet Naaman there?

From Luke 4:25-27, understand the bigger plan of God, as Jesus mentions both the rescue of a widow in the center of Baal-worship and the healing and salvation of Naaman. The shocking reference to this woman and our general is an indictment for the faithlessness of the people of Jesus’ hometown – Nazareth.

Go Deeper Questions

Desperation is a great motivator. List three decisions Naaman made in his desperation that kept him on track to enjoy God’s healing.

Can you think of two or three people who came to Jesus out of desperation? Briefly, what were their circumstances and how did Jesus respond?

Has there been a time when desperation pushed you toward Jesus. Consider what you learned about yourself and about God. Is there anything you want to say to God about this?