Dead Men Finding Life

Did you know that the Israelites ate donkey heads, dove dung, and even themselves?  Yes, cannibalism. Watch and learn about these circumstances. Then see how Jehovah Jireh, God Provider, rescued an entire city using four “dead men.”  Hear this powerful story tucked in to 2 Kings 7 and join in the hopelessness of the siege and the exhilaration of extravagant provision. 

About this Message

Samaria, the capitol city of Israel’s northern kingdom, is dying. Read of the impact of the long Syrian siege in 2 Kings 6:24-30

Discover the agents of God’s mercy – four men with leprosy, leaning against the outside walls of the city, considering their immediate future – 2 Kings 7:3-4

Walk with these lepers as they are saved, turn selfish, and then rescue a city in 2 Kings 7:5-16

Go Deeper Questions

Using what is written in these verses and what you know of the human heart, write four or five journal entries for any one of the following people:

  • A mother of three inside the city gates
  • One of the four lepers
  • A captain in the Syrian army

What does each one say about their circumstances?