Cowardice to Courage

He threshed wheat in a winepress because he was afraid of raiders. Multiple times he pushed back at God’s instructions saying, “But, God,… .” He also asked/demanded, “Give me a sign. OK, good. Give me another sign.”

We smirk, but that’s what fear did to Gideon and can do to me and to you when we are asked by God to perform the seemingly impossible. Want to hear the good news? Watch and pay attention to how God interacts with this coward He has selected. You’ll appreciate how He woos Gideon and us to courage.

About this Message

From Judges chapters six and seven, we hear of a very average Israelite living under the thumb of the Midianites. Read chapter 6:11-7:18. It won’t take you long, and you won’t be bored. Pay attention to our two main characters – Gideon and God.

From Gideon’s multiple reactions, which times did his “concern” make sense, and when did you roll your eyes at his reticence?

The apostle Thomas was pretty skeptical of the Resurrection. Flip over in your Bible to John 20:24-31. These are different circumstances than Gideon’s, but where do you see a similar heart from these two men? What is it that actually convinces each man that God can be trusted?

Go Deeper Questions

Why did God set up the dramatic reduction in force for the Israelites?

Can you identify two or three other biblical examples of God asking His man or woman to step up to an impossible challenge where they will benefit, but where He clearly gets the honor?

Today, what might God be asking you to commit to that feels scary, but, with Him, your hand in His, is possible, as He leads? Take a few minutes to talk with and listen to Him.