The Gospel in the OT – Mephibosheth

The Gospel in the OT – Mephibosheth This may be one of the most powerful messages of mercy and grace from the Old Testament. It’s the short story about a hopeless, crippled boy who is pulled from the town of Lo Debar, “God Forsaken”, into a new family with blessing and security and a future. …

Dead Men Finding Life

Dead Men Finding Life Did you know that the Israelites ate donkey heads, dove dung, and even themselves?  Yes, cannibalism. Watch and learn about these circumstances. Then see how Jehovah Jireh, God Provider, rescued an entire city using four “dead men.”  Hear this powerful story tucked in to 2 Kings 7 and join in the…

Majority Report and 40 Years of Wilderness Walking

Majority Report and 40 Years of Wilderness Walking The Israelites are finally done with their miserable existence and years of hard work and hopelessness in Egypt.  The grinding abuse they suffered as slaves is now in the rearview mirror. The Promised Land lies just ahead–acres and acres of rich agriculture and pastureland. Twelve men are…

The Only Source of Courage

The Only Source of Courage Remember the monster under the bed as a kid? Remember the cold sweat before giving your speech in front of the class? Remember standing on the edge of the high diving board for six days before jumping? We feel afraid – a lot. What do you suppose is the biblical…

Serving Surrounded by Anguish

Serving Surrounded by Anguish When you hammer a nail but hit your thumb, the whole world shrinks to the size of that thumb. Nothing else matters as the nerve endings scream. That’s the nature of pain – it makes us very self-focused. But instead of living with just a throbbing thumb, what if you were…

Cowardice to Courage

Cowardice to Courage He threshed wheat in a winepress because he was afraid of raiders. Multiple times he pushed back at God’s instructions saying, “But, God,… .” He also asked/demanded, “Give me a sign. OK, good. Give me another sign.” We smirk, but that’s what fear did to Gideon and can do to me and…

When God Makes a Promise

When God Makes a Promise Faithfulness is tough for many of us. It means keeping the promises we make and saying what we mean and meaning what we say. God’s faithfulness is a perfect standard. “God is not a man that He should lie nor a son of man that He should change His mind.…

God’s Mercy in Deep Darkness

God’s Mercy in Deep Darkness Political intrigue, the assassination of a king, a last minute rescue, and years later, the restoration of Godly leadership. It’s all here. You’ll be stunned at the darkness and depravity of God’s selected nation and deeply encouraged as He raises up righteousness and peace and blessing. Enjoy the story of…

Four Friends and a Paralytic

Four Friends and a Paralytic Who are your four best friends? Are their faces in your mind right now? Bet you’re smiling at the thought of their friendship and even loyalty to you. Do you trust them? What if they came to you and told you they were eager to help you with one of…

A Fish Pays the Temple Tax

A Fish Pays the Temple Tax “In this world, nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.”  (-Benjamin Franklin) In Jesus’ day, taxes had to be paid to Rome and to the Jewish religious leaders – the Temple Tax.  Men came from the synagogue to the Son of God to collect.  What do…