A Fish Pays the Temple Tax

“In this world, nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes. (-Benjamin Franklin)

In Jesus’ day, taxes had to be paid to Rome and to the Jewish religious leaders – the Temple Tax.  Men came from the synagogue to the Son of God to collect.  What do you think… did He pay or not?  If so, how did He pay?  Did He use the awkward interaction to preach against taxes, to teach His disciples a critical life lesson?  You’re going to laugh out loud at how Jesus handled it.

About this Message

This event actually happened! Though the story is only found in these four verses of Matthew 17, follow the conversation and imagine what happened next.
Pay attention to the two questions that are asked and consider the implications.
Track with Peter and these disciples as they see God as Jehovah Jireh (God Provider).

Go Deeper Questions

The video tracks Peter and what he might be thinking as the story unfolds. Seeing how he is portrayed in other passages in the Gospel (the gunnel jumper to walk on the water, the swordsman in the garden at Jesus’ arrest, the three-time denier of Jesus) can you come up with more of his possible reactions in this scenario?