Courage and Compromise – an Unknown Prophet

Courage and Compromise – an Unknown Prophet He received clear orders from God, and, as a loyal Judean prophet, he didn’t whine like Moses or run away like Jonah. He packed his bags and headed north for Bethel to confront the wicked King Jeroboam. Basically, this was a suicide mission. Can you imagine the courage…

Uzzah and His BFF – God

Uzzah and His BFF – God He dies with surprise and shock on his face, and the celebratory parade of thousands comes to a halt. Uzzah forgot who God is. The priests and Levites disregarded God’s clear direction. King David has patronized his Lord. And the entire nation needs to be reminded that God is…

Jezebel – One Wicked Woman

Jezebel – One Wicked Woman Have you read about Jezebel?  She was reared in a home where the idol Baal was worshipped. She brought her demonized religion to Israel when she became the wife of King Ahab. Because of Jezebel, God’s prophets were murdered and His people were led into idolatry. Learn about Jezebel, one…

The Look

The Look What’s in a look, a brief glance? Without spoken words, what can you “read” in the face of another? Jesus taught many powerful messages, but, here, as Peter, the future spokesman of the Church, completes his three-stanza denial and lying, our soon-to-be- murdered Messiah makes only eye contact with Peter. Consider the power…

The Grip

The Grip Remember when you passed that difficult exam – the anxious doubts that turned to grateful smiles? This story is a faith event, a test for Peter and also a lesson for the 11 apostles in the boat. Let’s climb into the small craft and watch as Jesus, again, reaches out to rescue with…