Christianity in Crisis on Emmaus Road

Christianity in Crisis on Emmaus Road After the horrific murder of Jesus on that hill outside of Jerusalem, how many folks waited eagerly for Jesus’ resurrection?  Were bleachers set up outside the tomb? On that first Easter morning, who was ready to launch the message of salvation to “go and make disciples of all nations”?…

Healed and Converted – General Naaman

General Naaman – Healed and Converted Powerful men usually have resources to solve most crises. As commander of all the armies of Syria, General Naaman would have access to infinite means to solve the problems he encountered. But the sovereign God laughs at self-sufficiency and hands our general a problem he can’t solve and Naaman…

Mercy at Nain

Mercy at Nain This isn’t how it’s supposed to be. She and her wonderful husband were thrilled to have a son, to nurture him together, and, as proud parents, to watch him grow. But her husband died while their son was just a young man, and all responsibilities for the widow’s care fell to him.…