Dangerous Obedience – Ananias

Dangerous Obedience – Ananias He is minding his own business, enjoying the normal, daily fellowship with other believers living in the city. Then word arrives that the chief persecutor of the church is on his way from Jerusalem.  The fledgling congregation in Damascus knows about Saul and his threatening purpose. Then Ananias hears from God…

Rahab – a Mercy Trophy

Rahab – a Mercy Trophy Here’s a Bible character we don’t talk about much.  She’s a prostitute living in a Canaanite city.  Shameful, right? Someone to be shunned? Not exactly on the Christmas list of any of the city fathers. But she and her immediate family are the only residents not slaughtered by the Israeli…

The Breaking of a King – Nebuchadnezzar

The Breaking of a King – Nebuchadnezzar Did you ever play “King of the Mountain” as a kid? Who was the “biggest and baddest” at the top of the dirt pile? The scene in today’s passage is just such a fight. It’s a story of the world’s most powerful man meeting the God of power.…

When God Provides From Birds and A Widow

When God Provides From Birds and A Widow Little kids playing with a bunch of toys inevitably shift from “playing nicely” to conflict.  We hear them whine, “Mine! Mine!”  As adults, we are much more sophisticated in our ownership pursuits. There’s so much Jehovah Jireh (God Provider) wants to show us, guiding us toward freedom…

Christianity in Crisis on Emmaus Road

Christianity in Crisis on Emmaus Road After the horrific murder of Jesus on that hill outside of Jerusalem, how many folks waited eagerly for Jesus’ resurrection?  Were bleachers set up outside the tomb? On that first Easter morning, who was ready to launch the message of salvation to “go and make disciples of all nations”?…

Healed and Converted – General Naaman

General Naaman – Healed and Converted Powerful men usually have resources to solve most crises. As commander of all the armies of Syria, General Naaman would have access to infinite means to solve the problems he encountered. But the sovereign God laughs at self-sufficiency and hands our general a problem he can’t solve and Naaman…

Mercy at Nain

Mercy at Nain This isn’t how it’s supposed to be. She and her wonderful husband were thrilled to have a son, to nurture him together, and, as proud parents, to watch him grow. But her husband died while their son was just a young man, and all responsibilities for the widow’s care fell to him.…

When 5,000 Come For Supper

When 5,000 Come For Supper Do you have friends who just drop in? That can be a thrill or a major inconvenience, depending on who shows up.  Jesus and his men have had a series of really long days.  They need a rest, and Jesus plans just that.  But plans change, and unmet expectations have…

One Greedy Decision – Gehazi

One Greedy Decision – Gehazi Jesus told us that the love of money is the root of all evil.  Tucked into the Old Testament is a perfect example of this truth.  Gehazi, the prophet Elisha’s servant, lived long ago, but his greed is relevant to us today as the targets of billions of advertising dollars…

Two Piles of Rocks

Two Piles of Rocks – Worship and Judgement “Hey, Dad, what are those piles of rocks over there?”  This was the obvious question from the Hebrew children as they first settled in the Promised Land. Initially, the dad could speak of joy, but then he’d have to shelter his child’s soul from the graphic violence…