Serving Surrounded by Anguish

Serving Surrounded by Anguish When you hammer a nail but hit your thumb, the whole world shrinks to the size of that thumb. Nothing else matters as the nerve endings scream. That’s the nature of pain – it makes us very self-focused. But instead of living with just a throbbing thumb, what if you were…

Cowardice to Courage

Cowardice to Courage He threshed wheat in a winepress because he was afraid of raiders. Multiple times he pushed back at God’s instructions saying, “But, God,… .” He also asked/demanded, “Give me a sign. OK, good. Give me another sign.” We smirk, but that’s what fear did to Gideon and can do to me and…

When God Makes a Promise

When God Makes a Promise Faithfulness is tough for many of us. It means keeping the promises we make and saying what we mean and meaning what we say. God’s faithfulness is a perfect standard. “God is not a man that He should lie nor a son of man that He should change His mind.…

God’s Mercy in Deep Darkness

God’s Mercy in Deep Darkness Political intrigue, the assassination of a king, a last minute rescue, and years later, the restoration of Godly leadership. It’s all here. You’ll be stunned at the darkness and depravity of God’s selected nation and deeply encouraged as He raises up righteousness and peace and blessing. Enjoy the story of…

Four Friends and a Paralytic

Four Friends and a Paralytic Who are your four best friends? Are their faces in your mind right now? Bet you’re smiling at the thought of their friendship and even loyalty to you. Do you trust them? What if they came to you and told you they were eager to help you with one of…